Tom Wylie on Youth Services and Participation

We caught up with Tom Wylie after his keynote earlier and here's what he said:

His key points:

  • We need an architecture or arrangements that will better engage young people in decision making at the local level.
  • We need youthwork as a way of intervening with the young.
  • Youthwork is a set of proccesses, a set of activites, as set of relationships which are about young peoples personal and social development
  • That arrangement, that youthwork, is available only in a patch fashion across the country - and we need something that makes it more systematic, sets higher standards, and provides sufficient and sustainble resources.
  • To involve young people in decision making the government should build on the Youth Opportunity Fund, should encourage every local authority to have some form of youth forum, and should use the Hear by Right standards as the basis on which to judge whether or not local authorities are being successful.
Added by tim at 06/25/2007 - 14:25
