My view on Gangs....

After going to the session on gangs yesturday I just can't help but think... we are always going to have gang culture...

I personally blame the media for letting gang culture get out of hand. Gangs are all about "status" Iif one gang hears about another being more violent or whatever they will compete... Its in human nature to. This just makes other gangs copy and maybe even make the crime worse.

If the culture was not published so muhc maybe gang violence would calm down abit? I'm not sure...

But what I'm trying to say is that lowering gang culture will not work by enforcement or punsihment. Meerly support to the young people involved in these gangs. If the support was there the gangs may subconciously turn their anger into competing with other gangs by their sucess. Therefore giving the people in teh agngs and escape from the violence.

Putting youth workers in a room with gangs will nto work either. It needs to be one on one. It is obvious the young people in agngs ahve some issue with confidence or motivation otherwise they wouldnt be involved in the gang in the first place.

Anyway.. Rant over...

Til next time :)

Added by Hormonal Haircuts at 06/27/2007 - 10:25

I agree there will always be

I agree there will always be a gang culture - its what people do - they socialise and find security in groups!

I think one of the biggest issues to do with gangs is that there has to be clearer distinctions between what gangs are serious problems and what aren't - there's a big difference between a 'gang' of young people hanging around some shops to an organised 'gang' running a large drugs industry and all the things related to that.

Its much like the way 'young people' get talked about as though they're all the same! Each one needs its own kind of support and to be tackled in its own way - no one solution will ever work for these kinds of issues.

I think the language itself is a problem though - when we talk of 'gangs' what do we really mean?


I think is just a big ball of loss of communication that has grown uncontrollably!