
Young people's notes from Health workshop - day 1

Where are we falling short for children and young people?:

GP. Housing etc: Need to phone in the morning to get an appointment. No flexibility – not able to get an appointment for the following day.
Tricky to access GP without parent/guardian being there

What needs to be changed or put in place?:

Better communication between all young people
Healthy food shop for young people (affordable)
Too many off-licenses in poor neighborhoods
Creating health services for young people locally.

Key messages for tomorrow
We need better communication – media etc.
More control commercially – food shops etc.
Flexibility of GP services
Creating health services for young people locally

Average: 4 (2 votes)
Added by tim at 06/25/2007 - 22:39

Notes from day 1 workshops: Health

Why are we falling short?:

Not having everybody on board
Regional variations make it hard to work together
Funding, failure to be able to really have long term plans is down to funding and government policy – short term project funding money is always a stumbling block.
Demonisation of young people by society

Integrated effort
Engagement with young people and listening and following through

Long term plan, short term funding
Shifting agenda, teenage pregnancy, drugs etc.
Precious about ring fenced or individual budgets hinders joint working
Local communities: lack of support for young people
Support of key stakeholders
Regional variations

Funding sustainability
Lack of investment in youth agenda
Constant change of direction

Lack of funding continuity
Lack of evidence re youth issues
Other priorities take precedence
Changing directions

Failure to invest in longer term
Too many shifts and changed in policy that inhibit services from focusing on young peoples needs

Voluntary, non-stigmatized, trust, integrity, person centered, community based, long term funding.

Services are NOT rooted in young peoples own communities or peer groups, are not often based on a voluntary and more equal relationship – and often get stigmatized

Adults perceptions of young people
Lack of funding for personalized services

Lack of resources
Youth working training not as good

What needs to be changed or put in place?:

Need to break down professional barriers
Better communication – need better guidance across statutory and non statutory
Access to other peoples outcome
Working together
Government reducing the burdens and the need to write reports

Better communications
Guidance over statutory and non statutory
Less separate plans / reports required

Guidance for best practice that includes statutory and non-statutory agencies. I.e. CF, NOF, Comic Relief
Government reduce the burden of separate reporting
Children and young people’s plan is central
Constant involvement of young people in development and planning

Leaving services along to do it
Sustainable funding

Clarity of funding
Leave programmes to run for some time – 10 yrs
Greater local direction – not necessarily a national agenda

A commitment to securing ECM / Youth Matters policy / objectives for a minimum of 10 years – (a cross party agreement)

Long term funding
Responsible media
Recognition of value of youth work as a delivery agency (community based, no stigma)

More young people to believe in themselves and their own empowerment

Inclusion – youth councils
Consolidate service providers – cohesion
Information sharing

Priorities for tomorrow
2009 healthy schools initiative –
Curriculum for education -> cross curricular: drugs, sex, alcohol etc.
Long term funding – 10 year strategy

Consistency needed
Media and communications with young people

Define health standards – healthy schools goal posts have moved due to target not being met.
Health standards must be rigid and inspected. OFSTED.
Drugs and alcohol and sex and relationship education should be national curriculum and outcome measured.

10 year strategy
Make outcomes clear

Bring support to parents as well as young people – to help them help themselves
Rise above politics and look for longer term commitments


Keep asking what funds what they suggest

How does youth work make a difference rather than the activities being delivered by other agencies?

Levels of resources to enable services where young people are – and to personalize services for young people

Average: 5 (1 vote)
Added by tim at 06/25/2007 - 22:36

The Maypole Centre, Birmingham, Healthy Outcomes

This second video clip from The Maypole Centre in Birmingham will be used by the young people on the second day of the Youth Summit to introduce their experience to the workshop delegates
Added by billb at 06/22/2007 - 15:35
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