Other issues on staying safe

Key issues on
staying safe: problem solving



Real information – documentaries

Role models in neighborhood – need to aspire to icons.
Positive rather than negative. Rappers.

Volunteering is not seen as cool, if well respected.

Young people become a volunteer



Define clear roles. Very different jobs, crime concern.

Young people training PCSOs.- Barnet police college

City of Westminster
embarking on training for PCSOs provided by young people.

Leap conflict resolution – training young people to be


Anti-social behavior

Balanced approach when talking to young people

Early identification and support for young people along with

Dispersals not universally supported, although possible use
in late evenings in city centre

Extended schools, diversionary and supporting activities



How many young people carry weapons

“fear and fashion” Why young people carry weapons – research
in a years time



Dispersion isolates young people



Transition between child/ youth and young adults policy


Other issues

Opening up buildings – belong to communities during evening
and summer holidays

Target young people early – new technology not being used to
its full potential

Need to break the cycle of fear. Need to reclaim the
streets, influence the males (by females) community activism is needed

Need exit strategies for criminal gangs

Spend money on early intervention at earlier point

Need positive media

Gang seminar in Brathay in conjunction with leap

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Added by tim at 06/26/2007 - 13:39