Notes from the workshop.... (Making a positive contribution)

What needs to be changed or put in place?:

How to replicate the success of projects like YouthAID across London / England
How to change the image of volunteering to engage ‘hard to reach’ young people
How to let local and national government know more about these projects
Ensuring young people gain personally from volunteering (personal not financial)
Highlighting the benefits (skills, activities of interest to the individual, chance to meet people, certificates etc)
How to encourage young people to spread the message to others – they are the most convincing advocates
Recruit a friend campaign?
Talking to young people that are not volunteering about volunteers experiences!
Whether volunteering should become compulsory for young people as part of their personal development…
Understanding young people’s motivation for volunteering is critical – could compulsory elements be included or would this undermine involvement?
What should young people do after their education is finished at 16 – stay on? volunteer? Undertake National service?…
How to recognise and celebrate young people’s achievements in the community
How to challenge negative perceptions and change peoples’ views?
How do we get more young people volunteering - making voluntary opportunities more appealing so more young people will be interested
What support structures and resources are there out there? For young people / for organisations wanting to involve young people?
Where are the progression routes for young volunteers?

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Added by tim at 06/25/2007 - 17:19
