Feedback from Day 2 working: Priorities for being healthy

Policy (national and local):

Review of services

Yearly review mandatory with long term funds and if provision is not delivered – money could be withdrawn

Ensure that measuring / monitoring is done with young people to see that the service meets the needs of young people

More investment in service delivery
Local policy should catch up with national policy – but there’s so much and complex that local councilors don’t understand or get the message

SRE: Confidential information and advice. SRE as a compulsory part of curriculum.

Compulsory, validated sex and relationship education training – as part of core curriculum

SRE should be a core component of the workforce development programme in the future – a core competency. Thus all professionals should have a better understanding and better delivery of SRE.

SRE and D + A part of national curriculum including signposting. Clear criteria.
Clear what mainstream education should be doing and youth services / drug service

Include SRE into national curriculum
Hold parents responsible for SRE

Integration of youth services into schools
Embed SRE training in youth workforce

Need to standardize what’s been learned from good practice where education works
Youth services share responsibility for SRE – to avoid risk of either service assuming the other is covering it

National Youth Board
Good media representation of young people
Youth workers recognized for what they do
Young people need to be listened to and involved in the decisions that affect us

Youth workers need to be recognized more for the good service they deliver.
Media representation of young people needs to change

Look at previous years certificates and work out the need for each provision

Great need for workers to share access to proper training


Sharing good practice
Learning – from others

Involving, exciting and challenging youth work delivered across all 5 outcomes is happening – there should be more resources put into universal services s othat all youth services are quality
“Pee in the pot”. C
Chlamidya testing – detached
Youth working with PCT in Hampshire

Schools need to commit resources if using outside agencies in advice so that agencies can plan allocation of resources

Islington LEA + PCT have people in a team trained to deliver in schools with measurable outcomes.

Standardise good practice and provide training for staff

Embed SRE and drugs education in all youth programmes

Schools and youth services need to map SRE in their local area to see where gaps exist (i.e. NEET young people)

Best practice needs to be shared. For example, the maypole centre


Meeting needs

Commissioners not to withdraw money where there has been success
Ensure that short term funding initiatives do not keep setting very high expectations for services later withdrawn
Examine where care funding is being spent
Sustainability of best practice

More investment in workforce – quality training programmes

Compulsory PSHE with certified staff members

Keeping funding at an adequate level and sustain it.

Enable and encourage schools to spend on community services for young people

Funding always seems to run until the organisation has been successful than is suddenly stops

Spend money wisely, not just in high risk areas but for high quality services

Sustainability. Not only short term project but long term effective funding


Encourage local politicians to get involved in the local youth offer

Convincing schools of the added value of compulsory, comprehensive SRE

Showing added value for schools to have it (PHSE) as national curriculum. (i.e. improved results and educational attainment)

Get it on school agenda

Put more emphasis on substance misuse and involve parents more.

This is a IYS/TYS agenda. Why is that not a more explicit strand of this conference?

Good media

National campaign involving young people to target media about changing the language / image / stereotyping they use to represent young people. Report more good things rather than bad. Good news can sell!

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Added by tim at 06/26/2007 - 12:33